I've always wanted to do a series of posts on differing years of American history, so I thought I would kick things off with 1966. Here's a snapshot of a few things that happened. Check it out and then follow the links below for more fascinating glimpses. It's really not fair to spend one blog post on the whole year, so we may be back in the future.....
Star Trek appears on the networks! First episode: The Man Trap
The creator of Mickey Mouse, Disney passes on
US Troops continue to build up in Vietnam. The total so far: 190,000. Bob Hope continues his traditions of entertaining the troops:(Christmas Special -- Bob Hope and his star-studded cast touched down at Pleiku Air Base, Vietnam, December 19, 1966, enroute to Dragon Mountain, home of the 2nd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division for his first Christmas show for servicemen in Vietnam, 12/19/1966. Info and Pic courtesy NARA)
The Palomares Hydrogen Bomb incident: A collision between a B-52 and KC-135 results in the loss of 4 hydrogen bombs and an extensive rescue/search by elements of the US Military.
Buster Keaton, the famous American comedian passes on
John Lennon's controversial comment on the Beatles being more popular than Jesus is published in the London Press.
Wikipedia Link to 1966
Have a great day!!!!
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