20 February 2008

Don't Forget the Speaker!

I've always loved drive-in movies. Even though they are very few and far between here in Ohio, it's still neat every time I see one. I was on archive.org tonight doing some more investigating on the nuclear weapons tests mentioned in yesterday's post, when I came across a series of ads from the drive-in. All work and no play makes for a bored librarian, so I took a few minutes to watch some of them. Neat stuff! So I had to go grab some popcorn as well!

I thought this would make a great post and share some information to you as well. Here's a few previews just to give you an idea:

Please return the speaker if you drive off with it!

(Source: http://www.archive.org/details/DriveInMovieAds)

Hard to refuse hot coffee!
(Source: http://www.archive.org/details/DriveInMovieAds)

I've posted some links below to the Wikipedia entries and the direct link to the archive.org information as well. Take a few minutes and check them out. Maybe I can find some classic cartoons next???? I know there's some Superman cartoons somewhere!

See you tomorrow, have a great day!


Wikipedia entry on Drive-ins.
(some controversy over article, see external links for more stuff)

Internet Archive main link

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