20 January 2008

USS Frederick: Picture of the Month Detail

It's cold in Ohio tonight! However, it doesn't really compare to our picture of the month you see on the right. The ice on the Frederick really is massive. For a little bit more about this photo, check the link at the end of the post. I did some digging on the Frederick and came across some interesting details:

Originally named the Maryland and built just over the turn of the century as a Pennsylvania class armored cruiser, she ended up spending most of her service life with the Pacific and Asiatic fleets. Weighing in at a little over 13 tons, she saw both extensive combat and training missions. One notable dispatch in 1912 was to carry the then Secretary of State Frank Knox to Japan for the funeral of the emperor of Japan. For more details, check the history links below.



Frederick Picture Link


ami said...

I love your blog! I've bookmarked you and I'll add you to my links list!

Tony said...

Thanks!!! I appreciate it!